Seeking Algorithm to detect circling and beginning and end of circle?

I couldn't stop thinking about this... I was able to come up with a Stored Procedure to do the loop counting. The example path contains 109 loops!

Here are the flight points shown with the loop centroids in red: enter image description here

Basically, it runs through the points in the order they were captured and builds a line as it iterates through the points. When the line we are building creates a loop (using ST_BuildArea) then we count a loop and start building a line again from that point.

This function returns a recordset of each loop which contains the loop number, its geometry, its start/end point and its centroid (I also cleaned it up a bit and made better variable names):

DROP FUNCTION test.find_loop_count(flightid int);

create function test.find_Loop_count(
    IN flightid      int,
    OUT loopnumber   int,
    OUT loopgeometry geometry,
    OUT loopstartend geometry,
    OUT loopcentroid geometry

-- s schema 'test' must exist
-- a table 'points' of flight points must exist
--  we are going to iterate through the point path, building a line as we go
--   If the line creates a loop then we count a loop and start over building a new line
--     add the intersection point to the returning recordset
--     add the centroid of the loop to the resulting recordset
-- pass in the flight ID of the flight that you wish to count its loops for example:
--   SELECT * FROM find_loop_count(37);

    rPoint              RECORD;
    gSegment            geometry = NULL;
    gLastPoint          geometry = NULL;
    gLoopPolygon        geometry = NULL;
    gIntersectionPoint  geometry = NULL;
    gLoopCentroid       geometry = NULL;
    iLoops              integer := 0;
    -- for each line segment in Point Path
    FOR rPoint IN 
            pts as (
                SELECT location as geom,datetime,row_number() OVER () as rnum 
                FROM test.points 
                WHERE flight_id=flightid
                ORDER BY 2) 
            SELECT ST_AsText(ST_MakeLine(ARRAY[a.geom, b.geom])) AS geom, a.rnum, b.rnum 
            FROM pts as a, pts as b 
            WHERE a.rnum = b.rnum-1 AND b.rnum > 1

        -- if this is the start of a new line then start the segment otherwise add the point to the segment
        if gSegment is null then
        elseif rPoint.geom::geometry=gLastPoint::geometry then
        -- do not add this point to the segment because it is at the same location as the last point
        -- add this point to the line
        end if;
        -- ST_BuildArea will return true if the line segment is noded and closed
        --  we must also flatten the line to 2D
        --  lets also make sure that there are more than three points in our line to define a loop
        if gLoopPolygon is not NULL and ST_Numpoints(gSegment) > 3 then
        -- we found a loop

        -- get the intersection point (start/end)

        -- get the centroid of the loop

        -- start building a new line

        LOOPNUMBER   := iLoops;
        LOOPGEOMETRY := gLoopPolygon;
        LOOPSTARTEND := gIntersectionPoint;
        LOOPCENTROID := gLoopCentroid;

        RETURN NEXT;
        end if;
        -- keep track of last segment
    RAISE NOTICE 'Total loop count is %.', iLoops;
  COST 100
  ROWS 1000;

This is a simple function to return only the loop count:

DROP FUNCTION test.find_loop_count(flightid int);

create function test.find_Loop_count(flightid int) RETURNS integer AS $$
-- s schema 'test' must exist
-- a table 'points' of flight points must exist
--  we are going to iterate through the line path, building the line as we go
--   If the line creates a loop then we count a loop and start over building a new line
-- pass in the flight ID of the flight that you wish to count its loops for example:
--   SELECT find_loop_count(37);

    segment RECORD;
    s geometry = NULL;
    lastS geometry = NULL;
    b geometry = NULL;
    loops integer := 1;
    -- for each line segment is Point Path
    FOR segment IN 
            pts as (
                SELECT location as geom,datetime,row_number() OVER () as rnum 
                FROM test.points 
                WHERE flight_id=flightid
                ORDER BY 2) 
            SELECT ST_AsText(ST_MakeLine(ARRAY[a.geom, b.geom])) AS geom, a.rnum, b.rnum 
            FROM pts as a, pts as b 
            WHERE a.rnum = b.rnum-1 AND b.rnum > 1

        -- if this is the start of a new line then make s be the segment otherwise add the segment to s
        if s is null then
        elseif segment.geom::geometry=lastS::geometry then
        end if;
        -- ST_BuildArea will return true if the line segment is noded and closed
        --  we must also flatten the line to 2D
        if b is not NULL and st_numpoints(s) > 3 then
            RAISE NOTICE 's: %', s;
            RAISE NOTICE 'vvvvv %',st_numpoints(s);
            RAISE NOTICE 'I found a loop! Loop count is now %', loops;
            RAISE NOTICE '^^^^^';
            loops:=loops +1;
        end if;
    RAISE NOTICE 'Total loop count is %.', loops-1;
    RETURN loops-1;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

I noticed that the gpx file has time stamp which could be exploited. Perhaps the below approach could work.

Make a linesegement with Vi,Vi+1
Make it Polyline
Proceed to Vi+2,Vi+3 check intersection with Polyline
  if it intersects 
      find the point of intersection-Designate this as start/end point of the loop
      Make this intersection point as Vi and Vi+1 would next gpx point per time sequence  
  if the linesegement does not intersect with polyyline then  increment 'i'