Selenium WebDriver.ChromeDriver Nuget package installed, but not working for MSTest

I wouldn't bother with the NuGet package for this, simply because this is not a class library - which is technically, what NuGet is all about. ChromeDriver has also been updated many times since that release.

Anyway, I would say that I have just done the same thing to see what the issue is:

  1. Download NuGet package
  2. Using Visual Studio, add a new item to the project by right-clicking on the project -> Add Item -> Existing Item
  3. Navigate and select the chromedriver.exe
  4. Change the properties to ensure "Copy to Output Directory" is set to Copy always.

You are probably falling down on point 4. That setting is set to Do not copy by default.

The Nuget package will place the driver.exe file in {buildconfiguration}/ To tell it to look in the root of the application, pass a "." when creating a new instance of the driver.

IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(".");

I had similar problem solved it by these 3 steps

1.Goto google chrome drivers official site download and unpack

2.Goto Visual Studio solution explorer click add -> existing file -> select chrome driver

3.Right click on chrome driver in VS and select properties set it to always copy