Semicolons superfluous at the end of a line in shell scripts?

In the special case of find, ; is used to terminate commands invoked by -exec. See the answer of @kenorb to this question.

According to man bash:

         A character that, when unquoted, separates words.  One of the following:
         |  & ; ( ) < > space tab
  control operator
         A token that performs a control function.  It is one of the following symbols:
         || & && ; ;; ( ) | |& <newline>

So, the ; can be metacharacter or control operator, while the ;; is always a control operator (in case command).

In your particular code, all ; at the end of line are not needed. The ;; is needed however.

Single semicolons at the end of a line are superfluous, since the newline is also a command separator. case specifically needs double semicolons at the end of the last command in each pattern block; see help case for details.


newlines equivalent to single semicolon ; on terminal or in shell script.

See the below examples:

On terminal:

[root@server test]# ls;pwd;

On shell script:

[root@server test]# cat

echo "Current UserName:"

echo -e "\nCurrent Date:";date;

[root@server test]#

But I am not agree with the comment that & is equivalent to newline or single semicolon

& is run commands in background also a command separator but not worked as semicolon or newline.



