Sequelize: don't return password

Another way is to add a default scope to the User model.

Add this in the model's options object

defaultScope: {
  attributes: { exclude: ['password'] },

Or you can create a separate scope to use it only in certain queries.

Add this in the model's options object

scopes: {
  withoutPassword: {
    attributes: { exclude: ['password'] },

Then you can use it in queries


I would suggest overriding the toJSON function:

sequelize.define('user', attributes, {
  instanceMethods: {
    toJSON: function () {
      var values = Object.assign({}, this.get());

      delete values.password;
      return values;

Or in sequelize v4

const User = sequelize.define('user', attributes, {});

User.prototype.toJSON =  function () {
  var values = Object.assign({}, this.get());

  delete values.password;
  return values;

toJSON is called when the data is returned to the user, so end users won't see the password field, but it will still be available in your code.

Object.assign clones the returned object - Otherwise you will completely delete the property from the instance.

Maybe you can just add exclude at your attribute when you find, look like this:

var User = sequelize.define('user', attributes);

    attributes: {
        exclude: ['password']

Read the docs for more details