Serializing a SparseArray<T> with GSON

Really there is a way to serialize any kind of SparseArray, here is an example code:

public class SparseArrayTypeAdapter<T> extends TypeAdapter<SparseArray<T>> {

    private final Gson gson = new Gson();
    private final Class<T> classOfT;
    private final Type typeOfSparseArrayOfT = new TypeToken<SparseArray<T>>() {}.getType();
    private final Type typeOfSparseArrayOfObject = new TypeToken<SparseArray<Object>>() {}.getType();

    public SparseArrayTypeAdapter(Class<T> classOfT) {
        this.classOfT = classOfT;

    public void write(JsonWriter jsonWriter, SparseArray<T> tSparseArray) throws IOException {
        if (tSparseArray == null) {
        gson.toJson(gson.toJsonTree(tSparseArray, typeOfSparseArrayOfT), jsonWriter);

    public SparseArray<T> read(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException {
        if (jsonReader.peek() == JsonToken.NULL) {
            return null;
        SparseArray<Object> temp = gson.fromJson(jsonReader, typeOfSparseArrayOfObject);
        SparseArray<T> result = new SparseArray<T>(temp.size());
        int key;
        JsonElement tElement;
        for (int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) {
            key = temp.keyAt(i);
            tElement = gson.toJsonTree(temp.get(key));
            result.put(key, gson.fromJson(tElement, classOfT));
        return result;


and to use it you need to register it in your Gson object, like this:

Type sparseArrayType = new TypeToken<SparseArray<MyCustomClass>>() {}.getType();
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
    .registerTypeAdapter(sparseArrayType, new SparseArrayTypeAdapter<MyCustomClass>(MyCustomClass.class))

you can find this example in this gist.

P.S.: I know it's not optimized at all, but it's only an example to give an idea on how to achieve what you need.

It seems that the SparseArray gets deserialized correctly, but not the objects inside. Instead of LinkedTreeMaps, these should be of type Part.

Your observation is correct, since SparseArray contains Object (not Part), Gson won't have any clue to make Part as your object type. Hence it map your list as its infamous internal type LinkedTreeMap.

To solve it, I think you won't be able to use SparseArray... Or you may try retreivedParts.get(key).toString(), then use gson to parse the object again. But I don't think it's efficient to do that