ServerAlias not working

Make sure that the order of precedence in configuration directives matches how Apache should handle the request - i.e. you won't have much luck if your directives load like this:

  • default/catch-all

Doesn't matter whether they are declared in a single file or multiple files - so long as "" is last, it will not be reached because the default/catch-all vhost will precede it.

I usually name my default/catch-all config "z-default.conf" (or, if you have a domain that starts with a "z", "zz" ... etc) for this reason, to ensure that it is processed only if no other vhost matches.

Try renaming accordingly.

Updated: So as not to confuse w/the _default_ VirtualHost directive

Using wildcard DNS to direct all requests to to the server's IP (catches mis-keyed subdomains), Apache parses the following configuration files:

  • 000-default.conf - VirtualHost _default_:80 / ServerName <hostname> - catch requests against the server's IP (can redirect to primary domain or simply block with the default Directory specified in conf.d/security)
  • example.conf - VirtualHost *:80 / ServerName
  • example2.conf - VirtualHost *:80 / ServerName
  • zzz-example.conf - VirtualHost *:80 / ServerName / ServerAlias * - redirects to canonical www domain
  • zzz-example2.conf - VirtualHost *:80 / ServerName / ServerAlias * - redirects to canonical www domain

As documented, Apache selects the first matching VirtualHost (i.e. _default_:80) but this behavior is not desirable if you are using a wildcard in a ServerAlias directive.