Serving and testing a bundle after ng build

Following did the trick for us:

ng serve --configuration production 

If running the Angular development server that way the production configuration is used and you can observe the results.

We also encountered that when building the application for production the --prod flag was not enough we needed to explicitly set the --configuration option to production for referencing the correct configuration files.:

ng build --configuration production

http-server is what I use, and it works well.


npm install -g http-server

cd into your dist folder, type http-server, then enter. Or, just do http-server .\dist at the command line after your application build is successful.

Open a browser, and go to

More info:

I use this on all my dev machines for running built ng applications.

Or, was there more than simply seeing if the application runs (smoke test) that you were looking for in this?


Angular Cli