serving static files with restify (node.js)

Based on @NdeeJim's answer, to anyone wondering how to serve ALL the static resources:

server.get(/\/?.*/, restify.plugins.serveStatic({
            directory: __dirname,
            default: 'index.html',
            match: /^((?!app.js).)*$/   // we should deny access to the application source

restify will use the directory option as a prefix for the entire route path. In your case, it will look for ./public/docs/public/index.html.

  1. The directory option is a prefix for your entire path.
  2. Relative paths are not working correctly in later versions of Restify (I tested 2.6.0-3, 2.8.2-3 - and they all produce the NotAuthorized error)

The solution now becomes:

server.get(/\/docs\/public\/?.*/, restify.serveStatic({
    directory: __dirname

And then your static files will need to be in ./docs/public.
(__dirname is a global variable that contains the absolute path of the script you are running)