Set longtable to fit the page-width

Use the tabu with its environment

\begin{longtabu} to \textwidth {|X|X|X|}

For more information, see the documentation of tabu.


the center environment has no affect on longtable as the table rows are always full width.

The longtable documentation does give an example of how to produce a full width table:



an ancient solution is possible with the package ltablex: Here is a MWE with booktabs, which provides better rules then \hline (I recommend to read at least chapter 2 from texdoc booktabs)

\textbf{Type of movement in the overlap zone} & \textbf{State of the object in camera 1} & \textbf{State of the object in camera 2}  \\ \toprule
\caption{Table title.}
Object moving from camera 1 to camera 2 & Object will eventually be in the \emph{exiting} state and the be \emph{deleted} 
Object will be recognised as a \emph{new} object, then become \emph{to be classified} and eventually \emph{classified}

enter image description here