Setting SSL certificate for Web Deploy agent

It is 2020, and I also ran into this problem. The solution that worked for me is this:

  1. Open IIS Manager
  2. Click on your server on the left hand side
  3. Open the Management group
  4. Open "Management Service"
  5. If the service is currently running, click stop on the right hand side. This enables the configuration of the Management Service.
  6. In the "Connections" section, there is a dropdown for SSL Certificate
  7. Choose the appropriate certificate
  8. Start "Management Service" once again by clicking on the start button on the right hand side.

In case you did not find the answer yet: You have to go to the servernode. Click Security/Managment Services. There you can select the IP-Adress for Web Deploy and the Certificate you want to use. In order to Change it you have to stop the Service. See:

regards Lothar