Share on Facebook IOS 11 Swift

You can use the facebook sdk to share content Like

Step 1:

install pod :- pod 'FacebookShare'

Step 2:

import FBSDKShareKit

Step 3:

func shareTextOnFaceBook() {
    let shareContent = ShareLinkContent()
    shareContent.contentURL = URL.init(string: "")! //your link
    shareContent.quote = "Text to be shared"
    ShareDialog(fromViewController: self, content: shareContent, delegate: self).show()

func sharer(_ sharer: Sharing, didCompleteWithResults results: [String : Any]) {
    if sharer.shareContent.pageID != nil {
        print("Share: Success")
func sharer(_ sharer: Sharing, didFailWithError error: Error) {
    print("Share: Fail")
func sharerDidCancel(_ sharer: Sharing) {
    print("Share: Cancel")

Step 4: Must add this in Info.plist


All of social constants (facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and others) have been deprecated on iOS 11 .

See here:

You can use the FBSDKShareKit for the sharing function on facebook.