Shift characters in a string

Pyth, 4 bytes


This is almost similar to my CJam 5 byte version, except that Pyth as a auto-eval input operator Q.

.>              # Cyclic right shift of 
  z             # Input first line as string
   Q            # Rest of the input as evaluated integer

Try it online here

Javascript (ES5), 55 52 bytes



p = prompt; // store a copy of prompt function for reuse
with(p()) // extend scope chain with first input
    p( // print result
        slice(b = -p() % length) // take second input negated and modulo length
        +                        // and slice string by result
        slice(0, b) // concatenate with opposite slice

CJam, 5 bytes


This is pretty straight forward.

l               e# Read the first line
 li             e# Read the second line and convert to integer
   m>           e# Shift rotate the first string by second integer places

Try it online here