Should I include teaching feedback from students in my CV?

I'm sure conventions vary, but I know at my university in Australia, when going for promotion, it is important to show a contribution to teaching. However, they specifically suggest avoiding listing individual student comments. The argument is that any academic can find at least a few students who have said something nice about them at some point.

So in summary, I think that official student rated quality of teaching scores are useful, particularly if the scoring is understood by the people reading your CV. My main point would be that selectively taking individual comments is probably not that helpful.

Better means of demonstrating an achievements in teaching include: initiatives in developing content, quality of teaching scores, teaching responsibilities, teaching awards, etc.

If you are applying for a job where teaching experience is relevant (e.g., post-doc, assistant professor), you might include it in your CV.

Instead of putting it in the recommendation section, I would put it in the professional experience (or similar section). Something like: "Responsible for teaching instruction XYZ in semester ABC, student feedback: very good".


