Should I put my papers which are not written in English on my social-media profile?

Yes, it is. English is a lingua franca, but that doesn't mean that all scholarly literature must be in English. Make sure your paper is in a institutional or disciplinary repository, if you like the idea of your paper to be open access. Translate it, as Davidmh suggests, to make it even more available.

Regarding indexing in Google Scholar, that depends by the site you archive your paper into. You can make some arrangements to be indexed, but in my experience even if you suggest resources to GS you cannot be sure you'll be.

It is your work, you can of course take credit for it. Translating it will help the international audience to get a feeling of what you do; nevertheless, in the interest of archiving, you should keep the original title next to it. In case it is not clear, indicate that the original paper was in another language.