Shrink a vmdk Virtualbox disk image
I didn't need to install VMWare nor convert back to VMDK so I used
Inside the host:
sudo yum clean all
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/EMPTY bs=1M
sudo rm -f /EMPTY
cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history && history -c && exit
Then after the guest is shut down:
$ vboxmanage clonehd --format vdi centos-7-1-1.x86_64.vmdk newdisk.vdi
$ ls -lh
-rwx------+ 1 Chloe None 39G Mar 26 14:52 centos-7-1-1.x86_64.vmdk
-rwx------+ 1 Chloe None 22G Mar 26 15:01 newdisk.vdi
It also allows compaction later
$ vboxmanage modifyhd newdisk.vdi --compact
Inside VirtualBox GUI, I selected 'Choose Virtual Hard Disk File' to select the new file.
I could not get rubo77s solution above vmware-vdiskmanager solution to work, I believe it has dependencies on vmware workstation or vmware player, neither of which I have, I did find the executable and it gave me errors.
I was able to solve this by using his zero command
cat /dev/zero > zero.fill;sync;sleep 1;sync;rm -f zero.fill
then using virtualboxes export to .ova tool.
this will result in the ova stripping/compressing the zeroed space. then you can re-import it.
I found a solution:
First inside the VM fill all free space with zeros:
cat /dev/zero > zero.fill;sync;sleep 1;sync;rm -f zero.fill
In your Host, install vmware-vdiskmanager from the VMware Knowledge Base:
cd /tmp/
mv 1023856-vmware-vdiskmanager-linux.7.0.1 /usr/bin/vmware-vdiskmanager
chmod +x /usr/bin/vmware-vdiskmanager
Take care, that you have enough free disk-space before you start, you need the MV grows to double size during the process.
Then compress it with:
/usr/bin/vmware-vdiskmanager -k ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/<virtual disk.vmdk>