Shrinking numbers

CJam, 18 bytes


Note that the online interpreter wrongfully represents 0d as 0 instead of 0.0.

Example run

$ cjam shrink.cjam <<< '[5 -20 30]'; echo
$ cjam shrink.cjam <<< '[1 2 3 4 5]'; echo
$ cjam shrink.cjam <<< '[0 5 100 400]'; echo

How it works

q~                    " P := eval(input())         ";
  _$0=                " S := sorted(P)[0]          ";
      f-              " Q := { X - S : X ∊ P }     ";
        _$W=d         " D := double(sorted(Q)[-1]) ";
             f/       " R := { X / D : X ∊ Q }     ";
               ';*    " print(join(R, ';'))        ";

JavaScript, ES6, 81 bytes

Thanks to @edc65 for the toFixed trick


Run it in latest Firefox Console.

This creates a function f which you can invoke like


CJam, 24 23 bytes


Input be like:

[5 -20 30]

Try it online here Note that online compiler prints Double 0 as 0 only. Run in the java interpreter which prints correctly.

How it works:

l~                      "Evaluate input and convert each element to double";
  _$                    "Copy the array and sort the copied array";
    )                   "Pop the last element out of the array. This is Max";
     \                  "Swap last two stack elements, bring sorted array on top";
      (:M               "Pop the first element of array and store it in M. This is Min";
         \;             "Bring the remaining of sorted array on top and remove it from stack";
           -\           "Subtract Max and Min and bring the original array to top of stack"
             Mf-        "Push min to stack and subtract it from each array element";
                \df/    "Bring (Double)(Max-Min) to top and divide each array element by it";
                   ';*  "Push the character ; to stack and join the array with it";