Simple complexity

JavaScript (ES6), 233 217 213 198 182 170 163 122 bytes

f=_=>[...Array(64)].map((_,x,a)=>,x),j)=>(n>>=1)?i&n?j&n?g(j,i):` `:j&n?g(i,~j):g(~i,j):`#`).join``).join`

Edit: Saved 14 18 bytes thanks to @Shaggy. Saved 3 bytes thanks to @ngn. Saved a further 12 bytes thanks to the two working together. Saved 41 bytes by stealing @user202729's observations that the quarters use reflections rather than rotations. Ungolfed:

function f() {
    var s = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
        for (var j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
            var x = i, y = j, c = '#'; // Default to #
            // Each non-blank quadrant maps to to the original
            // image by doubling and a reflection. Repeat
            // this six times unless we hit the blank quadrant.
            for (var n = 0; n < 6; n++) {
                if (x >= 32) {
                    if (y >= 32) {
                        // Bottom right quarter is a diagonal reflection
                        var t = x - 32;
                        x = y - 32;
                        y = t;
                    } else {
                        // Bottom left quarter is blank
                        c = ' ';
                } else {
                    if (y >= 32) {
                       // Top right corner is a horizontal reflection
                       y = 63 - y;
                    } else {
                       // Top left corner is a vertical reflection
                       x = 31 - x;
                x *= 2;
                y *= 2;
            s += c;
        s += '\n';
    return s;

SOGL V0.12, 17 16 14 bytes


Try it Here!

At a later update č▓ could be removed for 12 bytes - that converts ToS from an array of arrays of characters a multiline string to an array of strings - [["#","#"],[" ","#"]] -> ["##"," #"] - , because - horizontal append - doesn't deal well with arrays of arrays of characters - which I creates, because it's used for array rotation too. In SOGL an array of arrays of characters should be = array of strings, but many things don't support that yet..


 #            push "#"
  6{          6 times do
    ³           create 3 total copies of ToS
     II         rotate clockwise twice
       č▓       normalize as explained above
         ┼      append horizontally
          ;     get the 3rd copy ontop
           I    rotate clockwise
            +   append vertically
             §  reverse horizontally

LOGO, 375 341 297 295 278 + 3 bytes

Add 3 bytes because of -p flag, which enable perspective mode by default, thus don't need to run perspective command, saves 9 bytes overall.

Use FMSLogo on Windows with Unix (LF) newline format (FMSLogo have problem with parsing CR newline format)

to R
rt 90
to g :w :l
R fd 2*:l R bk :l up 180
run :w
R run :w
fd 2*:l R bk :l run :w
fd 2*:l up 180
to h
ask -1[setxyz 0 0 870]g[g[g[g[g[g[rt 45 fd .7 pd fd 0 pu bk .7 lt 45]1]2]4]8]16]32
repeat 64[sety 64-# repeat 64[setx #-1 type if pixel=[0 0 0]""#["\ ]](pr)]

Unfortunately, no "Try it online!" link because I can't find any online interpreter support perspective mode.

Idea: Draw a picture of the image, then retrieve the pixels from the picture and print as output.

Picture breakdown to simple repeated parts:


Make use of the hint above. However, since LOGO does not support reflection, we can only simulate that by enter 3D (perspective) mode and turn the turtle 180 degree around an axis parallel to the computer screen.

This defines a helper function g, which given 2 parameters l (image side length) and w (procedure used to draw the image), draw 3 copies of its reflected image. (see hint in the question) The procedure h perform the main procedure.