Simulate no network using Retrofit and MockWebServer

The easiest way to simulate network issues with MockWebServer is by setting the SocketPolicy to SocketPolicy.DISCONNECT_AT_START, SocketPolicy.NO_RESPONSE or etc:

MockWebServer server = new MockWebServer();

MockResponse response = new MockResponse()


This way you can simulate network errors like connection prematurely closed before response or Timeout exceptions

to be clear with whe types of exceptions here you can see the differences:

Internet Connection Error

So you can get two types:

UnknownHostException - When you don't have internet or unknown host... to simulate this, set to the adapter an incorrect end point.

ConnectException - mockwebserver can throw a timeout exception. You can see how to do it here:

Really I don't know how your code is, but I hope this is useful

Retrofit has a retrofit-mock module which offers a MockRestAdapter class whose purpose is to simulate network delay and errors.

This is a used in conjunction with the normal RestAdapter to create an instance of your service. You can see a full example in the samples/mock-github-client/ folder of the repo:

MockRestAdapter offers these APIs:

  • setDelay - Set the network round trip delay, in milliseconds.
  • setVariancePercentage - Set the plus-or-minus variance percentage of the network round trip delay.
  • setErrorPercentage - Set the percentage of calls to calculateIsFailure() that return true.

In your test, you can call setErrorPercentage(100) to guarantee that a network error will occur. By default the amount of time for the error to be thrown is anywhere from 0 to 3x the delay. Set the delay to 0 for instant results.