Simulating a figure-environment
Try this
\def\lorem{\raggedright Fusce adipiscing justo. Nullam in enim.
Pellentesque felis orci. }
\hfil\fbox{\vbox to 5cm{\vfill
\hfil\fbox{\vbox to 5cm{\vfill\lorem\lorem\lorem\par\vfill}}%
\hfil\fbox{\vbox to 5cm{\vfill\includegraphics[width=\hsize]{./images/amato}\vfill}}\hfill
\captionof{figure}{Output to demonstrate the use of vboxes.}
You can automate this by measuring the height of the boxes and programming everything in a macro. This is a quick and dirty solution.
Adjust the centering using the \hfil
or \hfill
(see second example below)
\def\lorem{\raggedright Fusce adipiscing justo. Nullam in enim.
Pellentesque felis orci. }
\fbox{\vbox to 5cm{\vfill
\hfill\fbox{\vbox to 5cm{\vfill\lorem\lorem\lorem\par\vfill}}%
\hfill\fbox{\vbox to 5cm{\vfill\includegraphics[width=\hsize]{./images/amato}\vfill}}
\captionof{figure}{Output to demonstrate the use of vboxes.}
Without any special package, you can use 1 figure
float with 3 minipages
. If you want simulate that are two different figures, simply add two captions inside the minipages of the images (see MWE). If you want the images numbered as subfigures, take a look to the subfig
and subcaption
\usepackage{kantlipsum} % for dummy text
\kant[1] %dummy text
\caption{One nice left figure.}
\caption{Another nice on the right.}
\kant[3] % dummy text
You only need a single floating environment to manage the construction. Apart from that you can use almost anything to construct the inner parts. I've used tabularx
to make a tabular
that fits within the text block width:
@{\hspace{0pt}}% Space between left margin and left figure
L% Alignment of left figure
@{\hspace{\tabcolsep}}% Space between left figure and middle text
C% Alignment of middle text
@{\hspace{\tabcolsep}}% Space between middle text and right figure
R% Alignment of middle text
@{\hspace{0pt}}}% Space between right figure and right margin
\captionof{figure}{One nice left figure.}
\captionof{figure}{Another nice on the right.}
Adjustments can be made in terms of the alignment (vertically and/or horizontally) for each of the three cells. I've placed them in a column of type L
, C
and R
, which currently is L
eft (\raggedright
), C
entre (\centering
) and R
ight (\raggedleft
) aligned.
Space between columns and margins can also be adjusted with the above setup (clearly indicated).