Sizing parentheses around tikzpicture

You can use baseline key



\[ \left( \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.2,baseline=-1mm] 
\draw [magenta, line width=1mm] (0,-1) rectangle (4,3); 
\draw [magenta, line width=1mm] (4,-1) rectangle (6,-3); 
\end{tikzpicture} \right)


enter image description here

Using the comment by @greg and the answers of Align an equation and a tikz picture with anchor and baseline, I would in this case use:



\[ A = \left(\,
                    current bounding},
            \draw [magenta, line width =1mm] (0,-1) rectangle (4,3); 
            \draw [magenta, line width=1mm] (4,-1) rectangle (6,-3); 

\end{document} center the center of the figure with the = sign, and I would add a bit of space \, around the figure.
