Sleep function for React-Native?

try this it worked for me:

  async componentDidMount() {
     const data = await this.performTimeConsumingTask();

        if (data !== null) {
       // alert('Moved to next Screen here');
  performTimeConsumingTask = async() => {
    return new Promise((resolve) =>
        () => { resolve('result') },

What I understood is that you are trying to make a fetch based on the result of another fetch. So, your solution is to use a TimeOut to guess when the request will finish and then do another request, right ?

If yes, maybe this isn't the best solution to your problem. But the following code is how I do to use timeouts:

// Without "this"

The approach I would take is to wait until the fetch finishes, then I would use the callback to the same fetch again with different parameters, in your case, the nextPageToken. I do this using the ES7 async & await syntax.

// Remember to add some stop condition on this recursive method.
async fetchData(nextPageToken){
    try {
        var result = await fetch(URL)
        // Do whatever you want with this result, including getting the next token or updating the UI (via setting the State)
    } catch(e){
         // Show an error message

If I misunderstood something or you have any questions, feel free to ask!

I hope it helps.