SLF4J NoSuchMethodError on LocationAwareLogger

One Solution.

Verify on eclipse directory: configuration\org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator\

slf4j no more one

The javadocs for NoSuchMethodError say,

Normally, this error is caught by the compiler; this error can only occur at run time if the definition of a class has incompatibly changed.

So this is probably being caused by incompatible versions of slf4j being loaded. Rather than looking at your classpath and guessing where classes are loaded, find where your class is loaded as described here.

Print out where org.slf4j.spi.LocationAwareLogger, org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog and org.slf4j.Marker are being loaded from.

I had the same error message, but the solution was different for me. I had to remove to following dependency from the maven pom:


After that the error vanishes and everything worked for me.