and session?
I suggest not to entirely reinvent the wheel. The tools you need is already an npm package.I think this is what you need: I am using it in these days and it will be very helpful I guess!! Linking the express-session to the layer will have so many advantages!
This won't work for sockets going over the flashsocket transport (it doesn't send the server the needed cookies) but it reliably works for everything else. I just disable the flashsocket transport in my code.
To make it work, in the express/connect side, I explicitly define the session store so I can use it inside socket:
MemoryStore = require('connect/middleware/session/memory'),
var session_store = new MemoryStore();
app.configure(function () {
app.use(express.session({ store: session_store }));
Then inside my socket code, I include the connect framework so I can use its cookie parsing to retrieve the connect.sid from the cookies. I then look up the session in the session store that has that connect.sid like so:
var connect = require('connect');
io.on('connection', function(socket_client) {
var cookie_string = socket_client.request.headers.cookie;
var parsed_cookies = connect.utils.parseCookie(cookie_string);
var connect_sid = parsed_cookies['connect.sid'];
if (connect_sid) {
session_store.get(connect_sid, function (error, session) {
You can then use the session as needed.
The Socket.IO-sessions module solution exposes the app to XSS attacks by exposing the session ID at the client (scripting) level.
Check this solution instead (for Socket.IO >= v0.7). See docs here.