Solving a steady-state viscous Burger's equation with NDSolve
-based Solution
We need to adjust the option of NDSolve
a bit. For the first problem, if you're in v12, then you can use nonlinear FiniteElement
ref = Plot[-A Tanh[A (x - zex)/(2 nu)], {x, -1, 1}, PlotStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
test = NDSolveValue[{u''[x] - (1/nu) u[x] u'[x] == 0, u[-1] == 1 + delta, u[1] == -1},
u, {x, -1, 1}, Method -> FiniteElement]
Plot[test[x], {x, -1, 1}, PlotRange -> All,
PlotStyle -> {Orange, Dashed, Thickness[.01]}]~Show~ref
If you're before v12, then we need to adjust initial guess of Shooting
method and choose a higher WorkingPrecision
shoot[ic_]:={"Shooting", "StartingInitialConditions"->ic};
nu = 5/100; delta = 1/100;
test2 = NDSolveValue[{u''[x] - (1/nu)*u[x]*u'[x] == 0, u[-1] == 1 + delta, u[1] == -1},
u, {x, -1, 1}, Method -> shoot@{u[-1] == 1 + delta, u'[-1] == 0},
WorkingPrecision -> 32]
ListPlot[test2, PlotStyle -> {PointSize@Medium, Orange}]~Show~ref
Here I've plotted InterpolatingFunction
with ListPlot
, this undocumented syntax is mentioned in this post.
Though the second problem is more challenging, it can be solved in similar manner. Shooting
method returns a solution after an hour:
solutionlist =
Head /@ NDSolveValue[side1 == side2, coeff[x], {x, -1, 1},
Method -> shoot@
Flatten@{side1[[-(p + P + 1);;-(P + 1)]]==side2[[-(p + P + 1);;-(P + 1)]] // Thread,
D[coeff[x], x] == 0 /. x -> -1 // Thread},
WorkingPrecision -> 32]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {3614.74, Null} *)
ListLinePlot[#, PlotRange -> All] & /@ solutionlist
FDM-based Solution
If speed is concerned for the second question, then turning to finite difference method (FDM) seems to be a good idea. Here I'll use pdetoae
for the generation of difference equations.
First we slightly modify the definition of coeff
to make it convenient for pdetoae
coeff[x_] = Table[w[i][x], {i, 1, P}];
side1 = Table[
coeff''[x][[j]] -
Sum[coeff[x][[k]] coeff'[x][[l]] mat[[k, l, j]], {k, 1, P}, {l, 1, P}]/nu, {j, 1, P}];
side1lst = {side1, coeff[-1], coeff[1]};
side2lst = {ConstantArray[0, P], cond1, cond2};
Then we discretize the system:
domain = {-1, 1};
points = 100;
difforder = 2;
grid = Array[# &, points, domain];
(* Definition of pdetoae isn't included in this post,
please find it in the link above. *)
ptoafunc = pdetoae[coeff[x], grid, difforder];
del = #[[2 ;; -2]] &;
ae = del /@ ptoafunc[side1lst[[1]] == side2lst[[1]] // Thread];
aebc = Flatten@side1lst[[2 ;;]] == Flatten@side2lst[[2 ;;]] // Thread;
A trivial initial guess seems to be enough, you can choose a better one if you like:
initialguess[var_, x_] := 0
sollst = FindRoot[{ae, aebc},
Flatten[#, 1] &@
Table[{var[x], initialguess[var, x]}, {var, w /@ Range@P}, {x, grid}],
MaxIterations -> 500][[All, -1]]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {9.655, Null} *)
ListLinePlot[#, PlotRange -> All, DataRange -> domain] & /@ Partition[sollst, points]
The result looks the same as the one given by NDSolve
so I'd like to omit it.
I show a solution based on the trapezoidal rule for first-order ODEs. The ODE $uu'=\nu u''$ is equivalent to $(u,v)'=f(u,v)$, where $f(u,v)=(v,\frac{1}{\nu}uv)$. If $y=(u,v)$, the trapezoidal FDM is $y_{i+1}=y_i+\frac12 h(f(y_i)+f(y_{i+1}))$. We use the mesh $x_j=-1+jh$, $h=2/n$, $j=0,\ldots,n$. The following Module
returns $\{(x_j,u_j)\}_{j=0}^n$.
fdmODE[nu_, delta_, n_] := Module[{h, mesh, f, u, v, eqns, sv, froot, sol},
h = 2/n;
mesh = -1 + h*Range[0, n];
f[{u_, v_}] = {v, (1/nu)*u*v};
eqns = Flatten[Join[{u[0] == 1 + delta, u[n] == -1},
Table[Thread[{u[i], v[i]} == {u[i - 1], v[i - 1]} +
0.5*h*(f[{u[i - 1], v[i - 1]}] + f[{u[i], v[i]}])], {i, 1, n}]]];
sv = Flatten[Table[{{u[i], 0}, {v[i], 0}}, {i, 0, n}], 1]; (* initial guess root *)
froot = FindRoot[eqns, sv];
sol = Table[u[i], {i, 0, n}] /. froot;
Return@Thread[{mesh, sol}];
To assess the code, we plot the exact solution and the numerical solution, for $\nu=0.05$ and $\delta=0.01$:
Azex[nu_, delta_] := Quiet[{a, zz} /.
Flatten@NSolve[{a*Tanh[a*(1 + zz)/(2*nu)] == 1 + delta,
a*Tanh[a*(1 - zz)/(2*nu)] == 1, a > 0, zz > 0}, {a, zz}, Reals]];
nu = 0.05; delta = 0.01;
{A, zex} = Azex[nu, delta];
Show[Plot[-A*Tanh[A*(x - zex)/(2*nu)], {x, -1, 1}, PlotStyle -> Black,
PlotRange -> All], ListLinePlot[fdmODE[nu, delta, 3000], PlotStyle -> {Blue, Dashed},
PlotRange -> All], AxesLabel -> {"x", "u(x)"}, PlotRange -> All,
BaseStyle -> {Bold, FontSize -> 12},
PlotLabel -> "Exact and numerical solution, \[Nu]=0.05 and \[Delta]=0.01"]
We consider the error $e_n=h\sum_{i=1}^n |u(x_i)-u_i|$. This is a Riemann sum corresponding to $\int_{-1}^1 |u(x)-\tilde u_n(x)|dx$, where $\tilde u_n(x)$ is an interpolation of $\{(x_i,u_i)\}_{i=0}^n$. As the following figure in log-log scale shows, $e_n\propto n^{-2}$:
delta = 0.01; {A, zex} = Azex[nu, delta];
rangen = {500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000};
error = Table[
h = 2/n;
mesh = -1 + h*Range[0, n];
exactSolMesh = -A*Tanh[A*(# - zex)/(2*nu)] & /@ mesh;
approxSolMesh = fdmODE[nu, delta, n][[All, 2]];
h*Total@Abs[exactSolMesh - approxSolMesh],
{n, rangen}
ListLogLogPlot[Thread[{rangen, error}], Joined -> True, Mesh -> All,
AxesLabel -> {"n", "\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(e\), \(n\)]\)"},
BaseStyle -> {Bold, FontSize -> 13}]
The system of ODEs for question 2 can also be solved in a similar manner:
p = 10; P = p + 1;
basis = Expand[Orthogonalize[Z^Range[0, p], Integrate[#1 #2 *10, {Z, 0, 1/10}] &]];
region = {Z \[Distributed] UniformDistribution[{0, 1/10}]};
mat = ConstantArray[0, {P, P, P}];
Do[mat[[l, j, k]] = Expectation[basis[[k]]*basis[[j]]*basis[[l]], region], {k, 1,
P}, {j, 1, k}, {l, 1, j}];
Do[mat[[l, j, k]] = mat[[##]] & @@ Sort[{l, j, k}], {k, 1, P}, {j, 1, P}, {l, 1, P}];
cond1 = Table[Expectation[(1 + Z)*basis[[j]], region], {j, 1, P}];
cond2 = ConstantArray[0, P]; cond2[[1]] = -1;
fdmODEGalerkin[nu_, n_, P_] := Module[{h, mesh, f, u, v, uu, vv, eqns, sv, froot, sol, coeffi, x},
h = 2/n;
mesh = -1 + h*Range[0, n];
f[{u_List, v_List}] := {v, (1/nu)*Table[Sum[
v[[j]]*u[[i]]*mat[[i, j, k]], {i, 1, P}, {j, 1, P}], {k, 1, P}]};
u = Table[uu[i, #], {i, 1, P}] &;
v = Table[vv[i, #], {i, 1, P}] &;
eqns = Thread[u[0] == cond1]~Join~Thread[u[n] == cond2]~Join~
Flatten[Table[Thread[u[i] == u[i - 1] +
0.5*h*(f[{u[i - 1], v[i - 1]}][[1]] +
f[{u[i], v[i]}][[1]])], {i, 1, n}], 1]~Join~
Flatten[Table[Thread[v[i] ==
v[i - 1] + 0.5*h*(f[{u[i - 1], v[i - 1]}][[2]] +
f[{u[i], v[i]}][[2]])], {i, 1, n}], 1];
sv = Flatten[Table[Thread[{#, 0} &@u[i]], {i, 0, n}], 1]~Join~
Flatten[Table[Thread[{#, 0} &@v[i]], {i, 0, n}], 1];
froot = FindRoot[eqns, sv];
sol = Table[u[i], {i, 0, n}] /. froot;
coeffi[x_] = Table[Interpolation[Thread[{mesh, sol[[All, j]]}],
InterpolationOrder -> 1][x], {j, 1, P}];
n = 300;
fdmODEGalerkin[nu, n, P][x]
Remark: For question 1, I also tried with the classical Runge-Kutta method for the first-order ODE, but for $n>1000$ points it broke down. This is an issue of stiff equations. Only A-stable methods can solve numerically this type of ODEs. Explicit methods (in particular the classical Runge-Kutta scheme) are not A-stable. Only implicit methods are A-estable, whose order is at most 2. Hence, it seems that the trapezoidal method is optimal in this case. See Chapter 4 in A First Course in the Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations, by A. Iserles.