Sort a string by a given ordering
Python 3, 50 47 46 44 bytes
-3 bytes thanks to ngn!
-1 byte thanks to mypetlion
lambda a,s:s.sort(key=lambda c:a.find(c)%27)
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Takes in a string as the alphabet and a list of chars as the string and sorts the list in place.
The %27
ensures that if the character is not in the alphabet, the index returned puts it after the rest of the alphabet.
Haskell, 42 bytes
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a#s= -- take alphabet a and string s
c<-a -- for all c in a
d<-s -- for all d in s
[c| c==d] keep c if c equals d
++ -- append
[c|c<-s ] -- all c of s
,all(/=c)a -- that are not in a
Perl 6, 55 43 bytes
->\A,\S{[~] S.comb.sort:{%(A.comb.antipairs){$_}//∞}}
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->\A,\S{[~] S.comb.sort:{A.index($_)//∞}}
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-> \A, \S {
[~] # reduce using &infix:«~» (shorter than `.join`)
S.comb.sort: # split into character list and sort by:
{ # bare block lambda with implicit parameter $_
A.index( $_ ) # get the position
// # if it is undefined (not in `A`)
∞ # return Inf instead (so it comes at end of result)