Sort an (Array)List with a specific order

here is an other option :

Map<Integer, String> tree = new TreeMap<Integer, String>();
    List<String> listOrdre = Arrays.asList("white", "blue", "yellow", "orange", "black", "brown");
    List<String>   myList  = Arrays.asList("orange", "white", "brown", "yellow", "black");

    for (String code : myList) {
        tree.put(listOrdre.indexOf(code), code);

    System.out.println(tree.values()); // -> [white, yellow, orange, black, brown]

Yes you can create a Comparator for creating your sort strategy, or define natural-order of your class implementing Comparable

As a side note :

It is strongly recommended, but not strictly required that (x.compareTo(y)==0) == (x.equals(y))

Example using Comparator:

class MyClass {

private Color color;
private String someOtherProperty;
public static final Comparator<MyClass> COLOR_COMPARATOR = new MyComparator();

//getter and setter

static class MyComparator implements Comparator<MyClass>{

            public int compare(MyClass o1, MyClass o2) {
                // here you do your business logic, when you say where a color is greater than other


And in client code.


List<MyClass> list = new ArrayList<>();
//fill array with values
Collections.sort(list, MyClass.COLOR_COMPARATOR );

Read more : Collections#sort(..)

If you want to define natural-ordering of your class just define

public class MyClass implements Comparable<MyClass>{

        public int compareTo(MyClass o) {
           // do business logic here

And in client code:

   Collections.sort(myList); // where myList is List<MyClass>