Sorting index entries with accented words

Here's the simple solution. Well, not so simple, after all. :)

One small problem, that I'll solve in a next release of imakeidx: for some reason (that I don't remember now) we decided that program=xindy called texindy anyway. But unfortunately, it seems that the calls

xindy -M texindy -M mystyle -C utf8 -L portuguese words.idx


texindy -M mystyle -C utf8 -L portuguese words.idx

are not equivalent, as the latter throws up an incomprehensible error (probably a bug in the texindy script).

Thus the following document will require to run manually xindy (but you have Arara, so it's not a problem), until the small problems are corrected.

Notice that xindy provides two commands for the letter groups, which should be redefined in the preamble to do what's wanted.

(markup-locclass-list :open "\dotfill " :sep "\dotfill ")






\def\dotfil{\leaders\hbox to.6em{\hss.\hss}\hfil}

\makeindex[name=words,columns=1,program=xindy,options=-M texindy -M mystyle -C utf8 -L portuguese]

Hello world.



Here a solution using only a style file.

The style consists only of two line:

(markup-locclass-list  :open " \dotfill\ "   ) 

(markup-letter-group  :open-head "\textit{" :close-head "}" ) 

Here a complete MWE which needs shell-escape.

;;; xindy style file

;;;dotted line between name and page number
(markup-locclass-list  :open " \dotfill\ "   ) 

(markup-letter-group  :open-head "\textit{" :close-head "}" ) 







\def\dotfil{\leaders\hbox to.6em{\hss.\hss}\hfil}

\makeindex[program=texindy,options=-M mystyle.xdy,name=words,columns=1]


Hello world.



I need a little more space, but something like this:


and a new module (mystyle.xdy):

(markup-locclass-list :open "\dotfil ")

Then invoke texindy via

texindy -M mystyle.xdy ....

that seems to do the same as your MWE, just with texindy instead