Space above signature line

Use an invisible object with the desired height.

I also added \par instead of \\ that's not suitable for the job and \hfill instead of \hspace{2cm}.


    \\ \hline \\[-.75\normalbaselineskip]
    \\ \hline \\[-.75\normalbaselineskip]

  \par\vspace*{\fill} % Puts signature lines in the same spot of each page for easy stamping
  \signatureline{Operator} % Putting \vspace after this doesn't put space between these signaturelines

Some text

enter image description here

Another solution is to add the same you did to the hline. \\[3cm]


   % \vspace{3cm} % Increasing this seems to have no effect
     \hline \\[-.75\normalbaselineskip]
   % \vspace{3cm} % Increasing this seems to have no effect
     \hline \\[-.75\normalbaselineskip]

  \par\vspace*{\fill} % Puts signature lines in the same spot of each page for easy stamping
  \signatureline{Operator} % Putting \vspace after this doesn't put space between these signaturelines

Some text

