Spacing the elements in a bar chart with error bars
You can use the option setting BarSpacing -> {a,b}
to set the spacing between individual bars to a
and that between groups to b
chartData = Flatten@MapThread[{#1 -> #2} &, {RandomReal[1, 10], RandomReal[0.1, 10]}];
chartData2 = MapAt[# + RandomReal[] &, chartData, {{;; , 1}}];
BarChart[{chartData, chartData2},
BarSpacing -> {0, 1.5},
ChartLabels -> {Placed[{"Group 1", "Group 2"}, Below],
Placed[CharacterRange["a", "j"], Center]},
ChartElementFunction -> errorBar["Rectangle"], ImageSize -> 500]
Update: A quick-and-dirty way to get the same result as in m_goldberg's method without changing errorBar
function is to insert Missing[]
in the positions where you want the gaps in the input data:
BarChart[{Insert[chartData, Missing[], {{3}, {7}}]},
BarSpacing -> None,
ChartLabels -> {Placed[{"Group 1"}, Axis],
Placed[Insert[CharacterRange["a", "j"], "", {{3}, {7}}], Center]},
ChartElementFunction -> (errorBar[]),
ImageSize -> 500, PlotRange -> {-.2, 1}, AxesOrigin -> {0, -.2},
ImagePadding -> 20]
First@Partition[chartData, 5],
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow",
ImageSize -> 300,
BarSpacing -> 0,
PlotLabel -> "First Group",
PlotRange -> {Automatic, {0, 1}},
PlotRangePadding -> -0.002,
ChartElementFunction -> errorBar["Rectangle"]],
Last@Partition[chartData, 5],
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow",
ImageSize -> 300,
BarSpacing -> 0,
PlotLabel -> "Second Group",
PlotRange -> {Automatic, {0, 1}},
ChartElementFunction -> errorBar["Rectangle"],
PlotRangePadding -> 0.01,
Axes -> False]
Here is something that might work for you. The idea is to modify errorBar
to plot an empty bar for data items of form _-> None
and inject an item of that form at any point where a gap is to appear.
errorBar[type_: "Rectangle"][{{x0_, x1_}, {y0_, y1_}}, value_, meta_] :=
If[meta[[1]] === None,
Return[{ChartElementData[type][{{x0, x1}, {y0, y1}}, value, meta], {}}]];
error = Flatten[meta];
error = If[error === {}, 0, Last[error]];
{ChartElementData[type][{{x0, x1}, {y0, y1}}, value, meta],
{Black, Line[{{{(x0 + x1)/2, y1 - error},
{(x0 + x1)/2, y1 + error}},
{{1/4 (3 x0 + x1), y1 + error},
{1/4 (x0 + 3 x1), y1 + error}},
{{1/4 (3 x0 + x1), y1 - error},
{1/4 (x0 + 3 x1), y1 - error}}}]}}]
chartData = Insert[Thread[RandomReal[1, 10] -> RandomReal[0.1, 10]], 0 -> None, 6]
{ 0.425905 -> 0.0258796, 0.391023 -> 0.0550582, 0.347069 -> 0.0717287, 0.453741 -> 0.0754353, 0.555963 -> 0.0860349, 0 -> None, 0.289169 -> 0.0996966, 0.296848 -> 0.0739226, 0.206408 -> 0.00383646, 0.32517 -> 0.0376127, 0.973325 -> 0.0296199 }
ChartElementFunction -> errorBar["Rectangle"],
BarSpacing -> None]