Spark Dataset API - join


it looks like you could just do"A").joinWith("B"), $"" === $"" )

For the above example, you can try the below:

Define a case class for your output

case class JoinOutput(key:Int, value:String, num1:Double, num2:Long) 

Join two Datasets with Seq("key"), this will help you to avoid two duplicate key columns in the output, which will also help to apply the case class or fetch the data in the next step

val joined = ds.join(ds2, Seq("key")).as[JoinOutput]
// res27: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[JoinOutput] = [key: int, value: string ... 2 more fields]

The result will be flat instead:

|  1| asdf| 7.7| 101|
|  2|34234| 1.2|  10|

To use joinWith you first have to create a DataSet, and most likely two of them. To create a DataSet, you need to create a case class that matches your schema and call[T] where T is your case class. So:

case class KeyValue(key: Int, value: String)
val df = Seq((1,"asdf"),(2,"34234")).toDF("key", "value")
val ds =[KeyValue]
// org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[KeyValue] = [key: int, value: string]

You could also skip the case class and use a tuple:

val tupDs =[(Int,String)]
// org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[(Int, String)] = [_1: int, _2: string]

Then if you had another case class / DF, like this say:

case class Nums(key: Int, num1: Double, num2: Long)
val df2 = Seq((1,7.7,101L),(2,1.2,10L)).toDF("key","num1","num2")
val ds2 =[Nums]
// org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[Nums] = [key: int, num1: double, num2: bigint]

Then, while the syntax of join and joinWith are similar, the results are different:

df.join(df2, df.col("key") === df2.col("key")).show
// +---+-----+---+----+----+
// |key|value|key|num1|num2|
// +---+-----+---+----+----+
// |  1| asdf|  1| 7.7| 101|
// |  2|34234|  2| 1.2|  10|
// +---+-----+---+----+----+

ds.joinWith(ds2, df.col("key") === df2.col("key")).show
// +---------+-----------+
// |       _1|         _2|
// +---------+-----------+
// | [1,asdf]|[1,7.7,101]|
// |[2,34234]| [2,1.2,10]|
// +---------+-----------+

As you can see, joinWith leaves the objects intact as parts of a tuple, while join flattens out the columns into a single namespace. (Which will cause problems in the above case because the column name "key" is repeated.)

Curiously enough, I have to use df.col("key") and df2.col("key") to create the conditions for joining ds and ds2 -- if you use just col("key") on either side it does not work, and ds.col(...) doesn't exist. Using the original df.col("key") does the trick, however.