Specify Connection in Management Studio T-SQL Query
No way to do this as part of a script from SSMS, but you do have two options.
One thing you can do is use SQLCMD mode and the ::connect command in order to have a script that will connect to multiple servers and run the script. This works well if you save the script for the user and use the :r command to load the script from a file.
Another thing you can do is configure a Central Management Server and then run your script against multiple servers at once.
Actually, it is possible from within T-SQL, but you have to meet a certain set of conditions and jumpt through a few hoops.
- First, you need to enable remote queries (OPENDATASOURCE/OPENROWSET) on the server from which the queries will be run.
- Second, you need to make sure that the target servers have remote access enabled.
- Third, you will need to make heavy use of dynamic SQL so that you can "inject" T-SQL code into the database engine of the target server to be executed.
Here is a sample script that will allow you to leverage the CMS to automate SQL tasks.
/* Global change password script */
/* */
/* This script changes the password for a SQL login on all servers */
/* managed by a Central Management Server. It assumes that the login */
/* exists on all servers, and that all servers are SQL 2005 or later. */
DECLARE @nServer NVARCHAR (128) -- Variable to hold the instance name retrieved from the CMS
DECLARE @nSQL NVARCHAR (4000) -- Variable to hold dynamic SQL
DECLARE @ServerFetch INT -- Variable to hold the fetch status. In SQL 2005, the @@FETCH_STATUS
-- variable is scoped at the system level, so if another process is also
-- using a cursor the @@FETCH_STATUS variable will be set according to
-- that operation. This allows us to store a persistent value.
DECLARE curServer CURSOR LOCAL STATIC FOR -- Declare the cursor with the LOCAL and STATIC options, and
-- retrieve the list of server names from the Central Management
-- Server. The value in the [sysmanagement_shared_server_groups_internal]
-- table is user-defined; for purposes of this example we have
-- created a group named "SQL2008".
s.server_name AS 'ServerName'
FROM OPENDATASOURCE ('SQLOLEDB', 'Data Source = CMS1\Management; Integrated Security = SSPI').msdb.dbo.sysmanagement_shared_server_groups_internal g
INNER JOIN OPENDATASOURCE ('SQLOLEDB', 'Data Source = CMS1\Management; Integrated Security = SSPI').msdb.dbo.sysmanagement_shared_registered_servers_internal s ON g.server_group_id = s.server_group_id
WHERE g.name = 'SQL2008'
ORDER BY s.server_name
OPEN curServer
FETCH FIRST FROM curServer INTO @nServer -- Retrieve the first row
SET @ServerFetch = @@FETCH_STATUS -- Store the status of the fetch operation
WHILE @ServerFetch = 0 -- If the fetch was successful, we enter the loop. Otherwise
-- execution passes to the statement following the END statement.
-- Build the dynamic SQL to alter the password for the SQL login.
SET @nSQL = 'EXEC OPENDATASOURCE (''SQLOLEDB'', ''Data Source = ' + @nServer
+ '; Integrated Security = SSPI'').master.dbo.sp_executesql N''ALTER LOGIN SQLLogin WITH PASSWORD = ''''<enterStrongPasswordHere>'''''
-- Execute the dynamic SQL.
EXEC sp_executesql @nSQL
FETCH NEXT FROM curServer INTO @nServer -- Retrieve the next row.
SET @ServerFetch = @@FETCH_STATUS -- Store the status of the fetch operation.
CLOSE curServer -- Close the cursor.
DEALLOCATE curServer -- Remove the cursor from memory.