Split array into a specific number of chunks

You can try

$input_array = array(

print_r(partition($input_array, 4));


    [0] => Array
            [0] => a
            [1] => b

    [1] => Array
            [0] => c

    [2] => Array
            [0] => d

    [3] => Array
            [0] => e


Function Used

 * @param Array $list
 * @param int $p
 * @return multitype:multitype:
 * @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-chunk.php#75022
function partition(Array $list, $p) {
    $listlen = count($list);
    $partlen = floor($listlen / $p);
    $partrem = $listlen % $p;
    $partition = array();
    $mark = 0;
    for($px = 0; $px < $p; $px ++) {
        $incr = ($px < $partrem) ? $partlen + 1 : $partlen;
        $partition[$px] = array_slice($list, $mark, $incr);
        $mark += $incr;
    return $partition;

So many complex answers here. I'll post my simple solution :)

function splitMyArray(array $input_array, int $size, $preserve_keys = null): array
    $nr = (int)ceil(count($input_array) / $size);

    if ($nr > 0) {
        return array_chunk($input_array, $nr, $preserve_keys);

    return $input_array;


$newArray = splitMyArray($my_array, 3);

More details here: https://zerowp.com/split-php-array-in-x-equal-number-of-elements/

Divide the size of the array with the number of chunks you want and supply that as the size of each chunk.

function array_chunks_fixed($input_array, $chunks=3 /*Default chunk size 3*/) {
    if (sizeof($input_array) > 0) {        
        return array_chunk($input_array, intval(ceil(sizeof($input_array) / $chunks)));

    return array();

And call it like this:

array_chunks_fixed($myarray, 2); //override the default number of '3'

This what i write and work well print_r(array_divide($input,3));

function array_divide($array, $segmentCount) {
    $dataCount = count($array);
    if ($dataCount == 0) return false;
    $segmentLimit = 1;
    //if($segmentCount > $segmentLimit)
      //  $segmentLimit = $segmentCount;
    $outputArray = array();
    $i = 0;
    while($dataCount >= $segmentLimit) {

        if( $segmentCount  == $i)
            $i = 0;
        if(!array_key_exists($i, $outputArray))
            $outputArray[$i] = array();
        $outputArray[$i][] =  array_splice($array,0,$segmentLimit)[0] ;
        $dataCount = count($array);

    if($dataCount > 0) $outputArray[] = $array;

    return $outputArray;



