Split array into pieces of X length

What about this:

int x = 3;  // chunk size
int len = bytes.length;
int counter = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < len - x + 1; i += x)
    newArray[counter++] = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, i, i + x);

if (len % x != 0)
    newArray[counter] = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, len - len % x, len);

Here's a convenient method that converts a byte[] to an array of byte[]'s. So, the result is a byte[][].

public byte[][] splitBytes(final byte[] data, final int chunkSize)
  final int length = data.length;
  final byte[][] dest = new byte[(length + chunkSize - 1)/chunkSize][];
  int destIndex = 0;
  int stopIndex = 0;

  for (int startIndex = 0; startIndex + chunkSize <= length; startIndex += chunkSize)
    stopIndex += chunkSize;
    dest[destIndex++] = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, startIndex, stopIndex);

  if (stopIndex < length)
    dest[destIndex] = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, stopIndex, length);

  return dest;

Some advantages compared to the previous best answer:

  1. The for condition uses a <= which makes more sense than < ... + 1.
  2. Putting the stop-index in a temporary field reduces the number of calculations in the last if block.

(Unit tested)