Spring boot hibernate no transaction is in progress

I don't quite understand why you're making your service method so unnecessarily complex. You should simply be able to do it this way

public void insertUser(User user) {
  entityManager.persist( user );

If there are points where you need access to the native Hibernate Session you can simply unwrap and use the Session directly like this:

public void doSomethingFancyWithASession() {
  Session session = entityManager.unwrap( Session.class );
  // use session as needed

The notion here is that Spring provides you an already functional EntityManager instance by you using the @PersistenceContext annotation. That instance will safely be usable by the current thread your spring bean is being executed within.

Secondly, by using @Transactional, this causes Spring's transaction management to automatically make sure that the EntityManager is bound to a transaction, whether that is a RESOURCE_LOCAL or JTA transaction is based on your environment configuration.

You're running into your problem because of the call to #getCurrentSession().

What is happening is Spring creates the EntityManager, then inside your method when you make the call to #getCurrentSession(), you're asking Hibernate to create a second session that is not bound to the transaction started by your @Transactional annotation. In short its essentially akin to the following:

EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
Session aNewSession = entityManager.unwrap( Session.class )
// at this point entityManager is scoped to a transaction
// aNewSession is not scoped to any transaction
// this also likely uses 2 connections to the database which is a waste

So follow the paradigm I mention above and you should no longer run into the problem. You should never need to call #getCurrentSession() or #openSession() in a Spring environment if you're properly allowing Spring to inject your EntityManager instance for you.