spring cloud config client not loading configuration from config server

For those getting here after using the default Maven Spring Cloud dependency version related to Spring Boot to 2.4.0 or 2.4.1 (e.g., 2020.0.0-M5 for Spring Boot 2.4.0), besides following RubesMN's good advice, be aware that bootstrapping is not enabled by default in such Spring Cloud dependency. According to the Spring Cloud 2020.0 Release Notes:

Bootstrap, provided by spring-cloud-commons, is no longer enabled by default. If your project requires it, it can be re-enabled by properties or by a new starter.

  • To re-enable by properties set spring.cloud.bootstrap.enabled=true or spring.config.use-legacy-processing=true. These need to be set as an environment variable, java system property or a command line argument.
  • The other option is to include the new spring-cloud-starter-bootstrap (in your POM file).

I used the second option and worked just fine.

If you are using 2020.0.0 version of spring cloud than you need to this dependency in your maven dependencies to enable bootstrap, which is desabled by default in 2020.0.0.

Breaking changes in 2020.0.0

It work for me.
