Spring Security remove RoleVoter prefix

Alternative is to avoid prefix on attributes, for example for LDAP:

public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
        final LdapAuthenticationProviderConfigurer<AuthenticationManagerBuilder> ldapConfigurer = auth.ldapAuthentication();

To avoid using of ROLE_ prefix by RoleVoter define own GrantedAuthorityDefaults:

@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true)
public class SecurityConfig {
    /** Reset prefix to be empty. */
    public GrantedAuthorityDefaults grantedAuthorityDefaults() {
        return new GrantedAuthorityDefaults("");

See How do I remove the ROLE_ prefix from Spring Security with JavaConfig?

May be somebody need decision with annotation based for web application

@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true)
protected static class GlobalSecurityConfig extends GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration {
    protected AccessDecisionManager accessDecisionManager() {
        AffirmativeBased accessDecisionManager = (AffirmativeBased)super.accessDecisionManager();
        for(AccessDecisionVoter voter: accessDecisionManager.getDecisionVoters()){
            if(voter instanceof RoleVoter){
                // do what you whant
        return accessDecisionManager;

protected static class WebSecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    public AccessDecisionManager accessDecisionManager() {
        List<AccessDecisionVoter<? extends Object>> decisionVoters = Arrays.asList(
                new WebExpressionVoter(),
                new RoleVoter(),
                new AuthenticatedVoter()
        return new AffirmativeBased(decisionVoters);

Spring security RoleVoterneeds a prefix in order to distinguish the granted authorities that are roles, see this answer for further details.

If you want to change this, you can always provide your own custom AccessDecisionManager and configure it with a customRoleVoter`.

This is an example of such a custom access decision manager:

public class MyAccessDecisionManager  extends AffirmativeBased {

    public MyAccessDecisionManager() {
        List<AccessDecisionVoter> decisionVoters = new ArrayList<AccessDecisionVoter>();
        RoleVoter roleVoter = new MyCustomRoleVoter();
        AuthenticatedVoter authenticatedVoter = new AuthenticatedVoter();


And for using it in place of the default access decision manager:

<bean id="myAccessDecisionManager" class="full.package.name.MyAccessDecisionManager" />

<security:http access-decision-manager-ref="myAccessDecisionManager">