Springboot with Spring-cloud-aws and cloudwatch metrics

Check this conversation:

@sachinlad Indeed the documentation is unfortunately missing, we will create a updated version within the next releases. Do enable the metic export to Cloud Formation, you will need to configure the namespace with the property cloud.aws.cloudwatch.namespace

Have a look at the integration test https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-aws/blob/master/spring-cloud-aws-integration-test/src/test/java/org/springframework/cloud/aws/metric/MetricExporterTest.java that is an integration test and export the metrics to cloud formation.

Hope that helps, feel free to come back in case of any problems.

You can check my article here:


I wrote it after setting this up in my project.

From header:

"Article explains how to send Spring Boot and Netflix Servo metrics to AWS CloudWatch. Morover it describes mechanisms making it happen. It also mentions problems I run into trying to do the same with Spring Boot and Spectator."

EDIT: new version: https://dkublik.github.io/2018/08/26/springboot-metrics-with-micrometer-and-aws-cloudwatch.html