SQL: Get at least the Third Largest Value from a set of columns of a row
I'm afraid that, without common table expressions and/or window functions and without resorting to writing a procedure, this gets horribly verbose in MySQL
SELECT t.id, t.val second_largest
-- unpivot your columns into a table
SELECT id, col1 val FROM my_table UNION ALL
SELECT id, col2 FROM my_table UNION ALL
SELECT id, col3 FROM my_table UNION ALL
SELECT id, col4 FROM my_table UNION ALL
SELECT id, coln FROM my_table
) t
-- retain only those records, where there exists exactly one record with a
-- column value greater than any other column value with the same id
WHERE 1 = (
-- Here, use unions to be sure that every value appears exactly once
SELECT id, col1 val FROM my_table UNION
SELECT id, col2 FROM my_table UNION
SELECT id, col3 FROM my_table UNION
SELECT id, col4 FROM my_table UNION
SELECT id, coln FROM my_table
) u
WHERE t.id = u.id
AND t.val < u.val
Here's the SQLFiddle to check it (thanks to bluefeet for the heads-up with the schema!). The above solution will find the second largest column value in every row, even if the largest column value appears more than once.
You could do this by unpivoting the data and then applying a row number to each record in the id
group. The unpivot takes the data from the column layout and places it into rows so it is easier to determine the second highest value:
select id, col, value
-- assign a group row number to each record
select *,
@row:=(case when @prev=id and @prevvalue<>value then @row else 0 end) + 1 as rownum,
@prev:=id pid
-- unpivot the multi columns into row values
select id, 'col1' col, col1 value
from yourtable
union all
select id, 'col2' col, col2 value
from yourtable
union all
select id, 'col3' col, col3 value
from yourtable
union all
select id, 'col4' col, col4 value
from yourtable
union all
select id, 'coln' col, coln value
from yourtable
) src
order by id, value desc
) src
-- apply filter looking for the rownumber = 2 which is the second highest based on order
where rownum = 2
See SQL Fiddle with Demo
The result will show:
| ID | COL | VALUE |
| 1 | col3 | 9 |
| 2 | col2 | 14 |