SQL Server: Extract Table Meta-Data (description, fields and their data types)

Generic information about tables and columns can be found in these tables:


The table description is an extended property, you can query them from sys.extended_properties:

    TableName = tbl.table_schema + '.' + tbl.table_name, 
    TableDescription = prop.value,
    ColumnName = col.column_name, 
    ColumnDataType = col.data_type
FROM information_schema.tables tbl
INNER JOIN information_schema.columns col 
    ON col.table_name = tbl.table_name
    AND col.table_schema = tbl.table_schema
LEFT JOIN sys.extended_properties prop 
    ON prop.major_id = object_id(tbl.table_schema + '.' + tbl.table_name) 
    AND prop.minor_id = 0
    AND prop.name = 'MS_Description' 
WHERE tbl.table_type = 'base table'

To get the description data, you unfortunately have to use sysobjects/syscolumns to get the ids:

SELECT      u.name + '.' + t.name AS [table],
            td.value AS [table_desc],
            c.name AS [column],
            cd.value AS [column_desc]
FROM        sysobjects t
INNER JOIN  sysusers u
    ON      u.uid = t.uid
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.extended_properties td
    ON      td.major_id = t.id
    AND     td.minor_id = 0
    AND     td.name = 'MS_Description'
INNER JOIN  syscolumns c
    ON      c.id = t.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.extended_properties cd
    ON      cd.major_id = c.id
    AND     cd.minor_id = c.colid
    AND     cd.name = 'MS_Description'
WHERE t.type = 'u'
ORDER BY    t.name, c.colorder

You can do it with info-schema, but you'd have to concatenate etc to call OBJECT_ID() - so what would be the point?