SqlAlchemy: case statement (case - if - then -else)
Check out the documentation about the case statement here: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/sqlelement.html#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.case
Reference from the Official doc of SQLAlchemy
from sqlalchemy import case, literal_column case( [ ( orderline.c.qty > 100, literal_column("'greaterthan100'") ), ( orderline.c.qty > 10, literal_column("'greaterthan10'") ) ], else_=literal_column("'lessthan10'") )
The above will render the given constants without using bound parameters for the result values (but still for the comparison values), as in:
CASE WHEN (orderline.qty > 100) THEN 'greaterthan100' WHEN (orderline.qty > 10) THEN 'greaterthan10' ELSE 'lessthan10' END