SRID and Name relationship

If you want/need to have more info from within PostGIS, running something like

SELECT  srid,
        left(split_part(srtext, '"', 1), -1) AS "type",
        split_part(srtext, '"', 2) AS "name",
        split_part((regexp_split_to_array(srtext, 'UNIT\[\"'))[array_length(regexp_split_to_array(srtext, 'UNIT\[\"'), 1)], '"', 1) AS units
FROM    spatial_ref_sys
WHERE   srid IN (4326, 32632);

results in

 srid  |  type  |         name          | units  
  4326 | GEOGCS | WGS 84                | degree
 32632 | PROJCS | WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N | metre

I never wanted to learn regexp logic any better than this. Obviously, you could scan the whole WKT string for anything you need to know. And improve on the above, especially the units expression...

Alternatively, query the spatial_ref_sys.srtext or spatial_ref_sys.proj4text columns to get either the whole OGC WKT representation or the proj4 definition of each SRID.

A good modern web resource is

It's "modern" because it has been synchronized to recent versions of the EPSG reference database, as stated at the bottom of the web page. It's source is available on GitHub.

It's also pretty easy to use. For example, SRID=4326, here is the description web page and links to various formats:


I use and has the spatial reference information in numerous formats:

enter image description here

And EPSG has an access database you download:

enter image description here enter image description here