ssh host key certificates, find validity period remotely?
This is possible, but it lacks tool support. I found a library which speaks the SSH protocol well enough to let me write a tool to extract the host cert valid_before time without a full ssh login. Here it is, in the Go language. I hope it helps.
package main
import ""
import "fmt"
import "os"
import "time"
func ignoreCertChain(auth ssh.PublicKey, address string) bool {
return true // Pretend all certificates are trusted.
var sawACert bool
func examineCert(cert *ssh.Certificate) bool {
expires := cert.ValidBefore
var humanReadable string
if expires >= ssh.CertTimeInfinity {
humanReadable = "infinity"
} else if expires < (1 << 63) {
humanReadable = time.Unix(int64(expires), 0).Format(time.RFC3339)
} else {
humanReadable = "the distant future"
fmt.Println("Cert expires at time", expires, "(" + humanReadable + ")")
sawACert = true
return true // Reject the cert, to force early connection close.
func main() {
serverHostPort := os.Args[1]
checker := &ssh.CertChecker{
IsHostAuthority: ignoreCertChain,
IsRevoked: examineCert,
config := &ssh.ClientConfig{
User: "test-sshcertscan-not-a-real-login-attempt",
Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{
HostKeyCallback: checker.CheckHostKey,
sawACert = false
client, err := ssh.Dial("tcp", serverHostPort, config);
if err != nil && !sawACert {
panic(fmt.Sprint("Cannot connect to ", serverHostPort, ", error: ",
} else if client != nil {
defer client.Close()
(Quick usage instructions: install Go, save the code seen above in sshcertscan.go, run go build sshcertscan.go
, then point it at an ssh server on examplehost port 22 with ./sshcertscan examplehost:22