SSH.NET Upload whole folder
There's no magical way. You have to enumerate the files and upload them one-by-one:
void UploadDirectory(SftpClient client, string localPath, string remotePath)
Console.WriteLine("Uploading directory {0} to {1}", localPath, remotePath);
IEnumerable<FileSystemInfo> infos =
new DirectoryInfo(localPath).EnumerateFileSystemInfos();
foreach (FileSystemInfo info in infos)
if (info.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory))
string subPath = remotePath + "/" + info.Name;
if (!client.Exists(subPath))
UploadDirectory(client, info.FullName, remotePath + "/" + info.Name);
using (var fileStream = new FileStream(info.FullName, FileMode.Open))
"Uploading {0} ({1:N0} bytes)",
info.FullName, ((FileInfo)info).Length);
client.UploadFile(fileStream, remotePath + "/" + info.Name);
If you want a simpler code, you will have to use another library. For example my WinSCP .NET assembly can upload whole directory using a single call to Session.PutFilesToDirectory
var results = session.PutFilesToDirectory(localPath, remotePath);