Star/Wye electrical connection math symbol

TikZ? (Scalable line width added, great thanks to marmot!)

\newcommand{\wye}{\mathbin{\tikz[x=1ex,y=1ex]{\draw[line width=.1ex] (0,0)--(45:1)--++(-45:1) (45:1)--++(0,1);}}}
$1\wye2$ {\Huge $1\wye2$}

enter image description here

\newcommand{\wye}{\mathbin{\tikz[x=1ex,y=1ex]{\draw[line width=.1ex] (0,0)--(30:1)--++(-30:1) (30:1)--++(0,1);}}}
$1\wye2$ {\Huge $1\wye2$}

enter image description here

I made one leg a bit thicker, in the manner of \Delta.

Works across math styles.


enter image description here

Merely changing the instances of {30} and {-30} to {40} and {-40} will change the aspect, while scalerel will take care of the scaling automatically:

enter image description here


