stop project that started without debugging

No. "Start Without Debugging" spawns a new, independent process. Even shutting down Visual Studio won't terminate it.

Unless your project is a web project and uses the ASP.NET Development Server. That one VS actually shuts down on exit.

I stumbled upon this answer after misclicking on "Start without Debugging" and not being able to find my process in Task Manager.

In Visual Studio 2015 I was able to go to Debug->Attach to Process and find my process in the Available Processes list (named after the solution in my case) and attach to it.

My understanding from is that this is the same process that "Start Debugging" does after it starts the process.

Then in the Debug menu there is a Terminate All option as described in this other question: What's the difference between "Stop Debugging" and "Terminate All" in Visual Studio?

You can find iisexpress icon in tray, and stop site: enter image description here