Stopping processes in ThreadPool in Python

This is a very interesting use of parallelism.

However, if you are using multiprocessing, the goal is to have many processes running in parallel, as opposed to one process running many threads.

Consider these few changes to implement it using multiprocessing:

You have these functions that will run in parallel:

import time
import multiprocessing as mp

def some_long_task_from_library(wtime):

class MyException(Exception): pass

def do_other_stuff_for_a_bit():
    raise MyException("Something Happened...")

Let's create and start the processes, say 4:

procs = []  # this is not a Pool, it is just a way to handle the
            # processes instead of calling them p1, p2, p3, p4...
for _ in range(4):
    p = mp.Process(target=some_long_task_from_library, args=(1000,))
mp.active_children()   # this joins all the started processes, and runs them.

The processes are running in parallel, presumably in a separate cpu core, but that is to the OS to decide. You can check in your system monitor.

In the meantime you run a process that will break, and you want to stop the running processes, not leaving them orphan:

except MyException as exc:
    print("Now stopping all processes...")
    for p in procs:
print("The rest of the process will continue")

If it doesn't make sense to continue with the main process when one or all of the subprocesses have terminated, you should handle the exit of the main program.

Hope it helps, and you can adapt bits of this for your library.