Stored procedure slow when called from web, fast from Management Studio

Not to spam, but as a hopefully helpful solution for others, our system saw a high degree of timeouts.

I tried setting the stored procedure to be recompiled by using sp_recompile and this resolved the issue for the one SP.

Ultimately there were a larger number of SP's that were timing-out, many of which had never done so before, by using DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS and DBCC FREEPROCCACHE the incident rate of timeouts has plummeted significantly - there are still isolated occurrences, some where I suspect the plan regeneration is taking a while, and some where the SPs are genuinely under-performant and need re-evaluation.

I've had a similar issue arise in the past, so I'm eager to see a resolution to this question. Aaron Bertrand's comment on the OP led to Query times out when executed from web, but super-fast when executed from SSMS, and while the question is not a duplicate, the answer may very well apply to your situation.

In essence, it sounds like SQL Server may have a corrupt cached execution plan. You're hitting the bad plan with your web server, but SSMS lands on a different plan since there is a different setting on the ARITHABORT flag (which would otherwise have no impact on your particular query/stored proc).

See ADO.NET calling T-SQL Stored Procedure causes a SqlTimeoutException for another example, with a more complete explanation and resolution.

I also experience that queries were running slowly from the web and fast in SSMS and I eventually found out that the problem was something called parameter sniffing.

The fix for me was to change all the parameters that are used in the sproc to local variables.

eg. change:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sproc] 
    @param1 int,
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE ID = @param1 


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sproc] 
    @param1 int,
DECLARE @param1a int
SET @param1a = @param1
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE ID = @param1a

Seems strange, but it fixed my problem.