Storing credentials failed in fetch using EGIT

I had this same problem after updating egit. This advice from another forum worked:

Open up Preferences > General > Security > Secure Storage. Select "OSX Keystore Integration", then click "Change Password..."

If you see a dialog saying "An error occurred while decrypting stored values... Do you want to cancel password change?" Click "No."

This will reset the secure storage master password in the OSX Keystore. You will be asked if you want to provide additional information for password recovery, which is optional.

If you are running Eclipse on OS X, the other answers may not work. If you change the contents of the Eclipse bundle (either manually or by updating some core features or plugins), the application signature will no longer match and the OSX Keystore Integration will no longer be usable. See Bug 391455 for more information.

Downloading a fresh copy of Eclipse will solve this problem, but as a workaround you can also disable OS X Keystore Integration and use Eclipse's built-in one instead: Disable OS X Keystore Integration

The accepted answer didn't work for me. There is another solution - in Eclipse simply navigate to:

Preferences > General > Security > Secure Storage > Contents

and delete everything.

