Strange Lint Warning - Unexpected text found in layout file: ""

Using Project>Clean.

Fixed that problem in my case.

You can also Format the xml file (CTRL + SHIFT + F). The extra characters would be displayed.

Perhaps there's an invisible character somewhere in the white space. I'd try recreating the xml from scratch (not using copy-and-paste, which would just copy the problem, if that's what's happening). I'd also clean and rebuild the project.

As far as the unused resource warnings, I don't think there's a way to control this. The problem of false positives is hugely worse for library projects. Android lint is a fairly new tool and (in my opinion) still has a lot of rough edges.

typically, this would happen when you inserting something like "android:id=" without a newline and using eclipse's auto completion, like this:

            android:id= >

here type enter, the code would appears to be like this:


the character '>' has been erased and '"' become invisible.

use ctrl+shift+f to format the file to find the hidden characters.