Sublime Text 3 - Double Tab Issue

I just encountered this problem recently, and it appears to only happen on Windows. In my case, the pop-up "Hello! would you like to purchase sublime?" was open in the background, and that caused this issue for me. Once that pop-up is closed, everything works just fine.

  • Sublime Text double tabs on tab key press
  • Sublime Text deletes/removes text on indentation / tab

Both problems are due to a popup (most often the SFTP free version popup for me) hiding in the background. If you make sure to close the popup windows every time they appear you will not get these issues. You could also pay for Sublime or the plugin to remove the popups.

In OSX you can't focus back on Sublime Text without clicking on the popup, so you will never have these problems.

I just had the same issue. I just restarted Sublime and it worked again, no need to reinstall or change any settings.

